10 Things to Catch Up On This Spring Break

Whenever spring break hits, I am in shock and awe that we are almost at the end of another school year. And I am even more alarmed by all the good intentions I had at the start of the school year that have not happened yet.

I am all about traveling over spring break, but there are years when it is wiser to stay home. So if that is you this year, use the days off to catch up on the many things you have wanted to do but just haven’t gotten around to.

Here are ten things on my spring break catch up list.

1. TV Shows

I suffer serious television FOMO. And I have a lot of it because there are so many good shows and so little time! I hope to find time this spring break to binge watch one of the popular series I have heard so much about.

2. Books

I read a lot before I had kids. Now that my girls are older, they give me a bit more space. Over spring break, I’d like to finally finish that book that I have started and put down a hundred times.

3. Taxes

Doing taxes isn’t my favorite thing, but they must be done. I look forward to knocking this boring task out during spring break.

4. Friendships

If you are anything like me, you have good intentions of getting together with your girlfriends, inviting that family over for dinner, and checking in with that long-lost friend… but life got in the way, and those things haven’t happened yet. Over spring break, I hope to find times for friendship.

5. Scheduling Appointments

One of my least favorite chores is calling and scheduling all the appointments moms need to schedule (various doctor’s appointments, dental appointments, etc.). I want to set aside a chunk of time to schedule all the appointments in the near future.

6. Outdoor Landscaping

Spring always makes me want to spend all my time outdoors. But after winter, my yard is in bad shape. And I don’t have the time to clean it up on the weekends. Over spring break, I want to clean it up and turn my backyard back into an oasis.

7. Indoor Cleaning

Spring break is a great time to do some spring cleaning. I plan to get the whole family involved so we can tackle our spring break list in no time.

8. Renovations and Makeovers

If you aren’t traveling, spring break is a wonderful time to finally do the home projects sitting on the back burner. Use your time off to renovate a bathroom or give your kid a bedroom makeover.

9. Summer Planning

Nothing makes you more ready to plan a summer vacation than a spring break spent at home! Use that motivation to your advantage! Go ahead and plan the perfect summer vacation. Book your tickets and start a countdown. And don’t forget to sign your kids up for summer camp.

10. Wardrobe Swap

Spring break is also the perfect time to swap your cold weather wardrobe for your warm weather wardrobe. Donate the clothes that no longer fit or have gone out of style. Look through your warm weather wardrobe and take note of what is missing. Then, go shopping!