10 Ways to Get the Leftover Halloween Candy Out of Your House


Halloween 2020 was a bit different, but one thing stayed the same. The kids scored a whole lot of candy. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but your kids probably shouldn’t binge eat their entire Halloween loot in a week. If you are as ready as I am to get the leftover Halloween candy out of your house, here are 10 ways to say goodbye to it.


1. Take It to Work

A quick and easy way to get rid of leftover Halloween candy is to take it to work. Better yet, split it between you and your spouse. Your co-workers will love you and your kids won’t remain on a sugar high.

2. Give It to Teachers

Our teachers are doing all sorts of amazing things this year – in the classroom and virtually. No matter how your child is learning, you can be sure her teacher is going above and beyond. Say thank you with a gift bag full of sweets.

3. Donate It

You can donate your leftover Halloween candy to Soldiers' Angels and Operation Gratitude. Both organizations give these sweet treats to military veterans and active members. You can also check your local dentist’s office to see if they are participating in a Candy Buyback program that allows kids to exchange candy for a reward. The candy is then donated to U.S. troops.

4. Pay Your Kids in Candy

Hold your kid’s candy hostage and give it back to them as rewards for good behavior or completing work around the house.                                                                                                           

5. Bake with It

There are countless recipes online for ways to use Halloween candy to make baked goods, such as the Brown Eyed Baker’s Leftover Halloween Candy Bark. You should also check out this list of 24 Insane Things To Do With Leftover Halloween Candy from Delish.

6. Do Candy Experiments

Have some educational fun with the leftover Halloween candy. Do some kid-friendly science experiments, such as putting gummy worms in water to watch them expand. A simple google search for candy experiments will bring up a ton of other options.

7. Put It in an Advent Calendar

If your family does an advent calendar for the days leading up to Christmas, use leftover Halloween candy to fill it.

8. Use It for Decorating

Speaking of Christmas, save your Halloween candy to make the sweetest gingerbread house ever. All those little candies will make for excellent gingerbread house décor.

9. Save It for Stockings

One of my favorite things to do with my kids’ leftover Halloween candy is to save it to stuff in their Christmas stockings. A Christmas stocking isn’t complete without candy, but why spend more money when you’ve already got a stash? Just make sure you don’t save any candy with Halloween-themed wrapping paper.

10. Hide It for Yourself

Last but not least, treat yourself! Pick out your favorite candy from your kid’s Halloween stash and put it aside for you. Be sure to hide it away so mama can get her sugar fix whenever she wants.

What do you do with your kid’s leftover Halloween candy? Let me know in the comments!