13 Safe Halloween Ideas for 2020


We’ve hit another coronavirus holiday – Halloween. For parents, Halloween is a tricky one because it tends to be one of the holidays kids look forward to the most. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we have to play it safe. Fortunately, playing it safe doesn’t mean missing out on the Halloween fun. I’ve put together this list of 13 safe Halloween ideas for 2020.

1. Stay Home and Be Festive

If your city or neighborhood has asked you not to trick or treat, you can still enjoy Halloween at home. Make it a night to remember. Bake Halloween-themed treats and have a Halloween movie marathon. Streaming channels, like Netflix and Disney Plus, both have Halloween collections.

2. Set Up a Trick or Treat Table

If you do want to have some traditional trick or treat fun, consider setting up a trick or treat table on your driveway. On the table, spread treats apart so children can grab them without touching other treats, digging in a candy bowl, or sharing germs with you. Just make sure you stand on the other side of the table 6 feet away.

3. Go on a Costume Parade

For many kids, the best part of Halloween is dressing up. If you are worried about trick or treating, take your kids on a costume parade through your neighborhood in the afternoon where they can wave at neighbors from a safe distance without getting treats.

4. Do Reverse Trick or Treating

Instead of going house to house to get treats, go reverse trick or treating. For example, “boo your neighborhoods” by taking them treats instead. Fill up goody bags and drop them off on doorsteps the morning of Halloween for a fun surprise.

5. Hunt for Candy

If you don’t want your kids to get candy from strangers, buy a big bag of candy for your family and set up a backyard scavenger hunt or play candy hide and seek.

6. Host a Small Outdoor Halloween Party

If you feel comfortable or have a pod you interact with, host a small outdoor Halloween party. Just skip bobbing for apples this year.

7. Participate in a Virtual Halloween Gathering

If someone in your family is high-risk or has been exposed, stay home and participate in a virtual Halloween gathering. Ask friends and family to join you for a Zoom Thriller Dance Party.

8. Carve a Pumpkin

A totally safe COVID-19 Halloween thing to do is carve or decorate a pumpkin. No matter your kid’s ages, they will enjoy this fun activity.

9. Enjoy Drive-Thru Events

Many local venues are hosting drive-thru trick or treat events, where families drive through to see people dressed up and receive candy.

10. Ride Along in a Halloween Car Parade

Remember at the start of quarantine how we celebrated birthdays with car parades? Ask your family and friends to do a Halloween car parade for your kids. Have your kids stand in the yard in their costumes while family and friends throw candy from their cars.

11. Hide Some Eggs

Use leftover plastic Easter eggs for a glow in the dark candy hunt. All you need are plastic eggs, finger lights, and candy.

12. Visit a Drive-Thru Haunted House

If you are feeling brave, visit a drive-thru haunted house or car wash. I think this would terrify my girls though!

13. Celebrate with Chuck E Cheese

Pick up a Chuck E Cheese Boo-tacular Family Party Package to celebrate all over again at home. The package includes:

Two large one-topping pizzas, a Boo-tacular Oreo® Brownie, two treat bags each including $5 in games to use on your next visit, as well as a free KIDZ BOP® Halloween activity sheet and glow in the dark temporary tattoos to enjoy at home for just $39.99.