A Few Ways to Keep Love Alive While You’re Busy Being Parents

I’d be lying if I said marriage is easy. It’s hard work, but it is work that is worth it.

According to a study reported by Consumer Affairs, “The researchers learned that parents’ romance had an effect on their kids. When kids saw their parents love and affection for each other, they were more likely to marry later in life and complete more schooling than those whose parents reported lower romantic feelings.”

Plus, who doesn’t want to be in love with their spouse? Yes, people fall out of love, but that isn’t what we are hoping for when we walk down the aisle.

That being said, I know that it is hard to keep the spark alive when you are working parents.

Here are a few suggestions to help you keep love alive while you’re busy being parents.

Book a Sitter

One of the best things you can do for your marriage is book a sitter and go on regular date nights. Even if you have been together for years, you want to remember what it feels like to date your spouse. It’s a good way to remember why you fell in love in the first place.

Helpful Tip: Put date night on your family calendar just like any other event or appointment.

Plan At-Home Date Nights

There may come a time when you can’t get a babysitter. That doesn’t mean you have to cancel date night. Some of our favorite date nights have been at-home dates! The thing to keep in mind with an at-home date is to do something different from every other night you spend at home with your spouse. Get out the candles, order in your favorite restaurant, and put on date night clothes.

Helpful Tip: Consider ordering a date night subscription box to get you out of the TV and dinner rut.

Sleep In Saturdays

Once our girls were old enough, we learned the magic of Saturday mornings. We tell our girls on Friday evening that they are on their own in the morning. We set out an easy breakfast on the counter that they can make themselves (such as cereal) and give them the remote and instructions not to wake us up until 9 am.

Share a Hobby

Find a hobby you and your hubby both love that you can enjoy on a regular basis. For example, we love playing board games together. This will look different for every couple. And there is nothing wrong with a shared love of television! The key is to use this time to bring you closer to your spouse. So, if TV is your thing, watch a show you both love and then talk about it after.

Spend Time Catching Each Other Up Daily

One of the simplest ways to keep love alive is to keep talking. During the school years, life is so busy. There were days when I realized I hadn’t talked to my husband about anything of importance. There were also times when he assumed he’d shared something with me and he hadn’t.

A simple five-minute conversation, no phones or other distractions allowed, has helped with this problem tremendously. Plus, it feels really nice when my husband is focused on checking in with me.

Keep Touching

Lastly, don’t stop touching. It’s easy to become complacent in a long marriage, but touch is important. Hold your partner’s hand when you are out. Cuddle on the couch when you watch a show. Give each other a hug and kiss before you leave and when you come home.