Different Ways to Celebrate Love in February

When most people think of February, they immediately think of Valentine’s Day, love, red, pink, flowers, and heart-shaped candies.

There are many that are excited by this and there are many who are opposed to the whole idea.

When I think of February, I personally think of love. So if you’re part of the latter group, here are some different ways to celebrate love without any expectations or obligations that come with February 14th.

Show Yourself Self-Love

If we ever want to show love for others, it starts within ourselves.

Self-love is something you get to show yourself 365 days of the year! The more love you pour into yourself, the more you’ll have to pour into others.

Self-love comes in many forms and there’s no right or wrong way. It also looks different for everyone.

It can be forgiving yourself, giving yourself more grace, slowing down, resting, taking yourself out, treating yourself to a delicious dinner, allowing yourself to honor our boundaries, and so much more.

It’s ever-evolving, so give yourself what you need!

Speak your Companion's Love Language

Did you know there are 5 types of Love Languages and everyone ranks it differently?

You can make it a goal to figure out what your partner’s love language is and show them love in the way they receive love best!

It doesn’t have to be a bouquet of long-stem red roses, or a fancy dinner, maybe it’s just holding hands as you take an evening stroll.

It’s always a great idea to let our partner know how much we care and appreciate them for what they do for us. The more love you give, then more you get back!

Carve Out Time With Friends

As we get older, it’s easy to get lost in our own schedules, work, and family.

So one of the ways you can celebrate love is to check up on your friends and carve out some time to hang out with them.

Maybe it’s a 1 on 1 dinner date or a group going for wine-tasting together, I’m sure both you and they need a break from the routines of life.

Like they say, “a good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.” Like any relationship, they need tending to too.

Love goes beyond gifts and fancy demonstrations. How will you celebrate love this month? Let me know in the comments below!