Healthy Teeth – What to Pack in Kids’ Lunchboxes


If your kids are heading back to school in any capacity this school year, you are likely feeling anxious. One issue that is apparently keeping parents awake at night is school lunches. We already know that our school cafeterias will be shuttered, and many kids will be eating in their classrooms according to the new CDC guidelines. This means cafeteria meals will be delivered to our kids’ classrooms at lunch time. Whether or not you are a fan of school cafeteria food before, this year you may be feeling a little more hesitant.

According to The Grocer, “Our research shows 57.3% of parents of school-aged children are now more inclined to give their kids lunches packed at home to avoid the risk of contamination and have more control over what their children are eating.”

However, many parents don’t know how to pack a good lunch for their kids. And even more, parents don’t know what types of food are good for their teeth. I mean, we all know sugar is bad for their teeth, but we still pack their lunchboxes with pre-packaged foods that are full of sugar. I’m guilty of this one myself.

The Grocer claims, “A 2016 University of Leeds study that found just 1.6% of kids’ packed lunches meet the nutritional standards set for food served in school canteens. It revealed just 17% of children’s packed lunches contained vegetables and 52% featured more than the recommended number of sweet snacks.”

Only 1.6% of kids’ packed lunches meet nutritional standards. Yikes! If you are guilty of just tossing in whatever pre-packaged food makes your mornings easier, here are some foods you should pack in kids’ lunchboxes instead.

Crunchy Veggies

Did you know that crunchy veggies work like toothbrushes for your kids’ teeth? It’s true! Since you have to chew more to eat these veggies, you produce more saliva. This helps you wash away food particles and bacteria on the teeth. So, throw some carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, and celery in the lunchbox.

Crisp Fruit

Along these same lines, crisp fruits like apples, also help you produce more saliva. Along with the chewing, their natural water helps to clean the teeth. Plus, sweet fruits like strawberries are a great alternative to sugary snacks and treats. Add some yogurt, which is high in calcium and great for your child’s teeth, to help them embrace fruit as dessert.

Yummy Cheese

Kids love cheese, so this is an easy one for parents. Cheese is high in calcium and phosphorous, so it helps your kids have strong teeth. Plus, parents don’t have to worry about spreading germs since it tends to be pre-packaged.


Finally, go ahead and invest in some reusable water bottles for your kids this school year. Not only will they keep your kid from exposing themselves to germs at the school water fountain, but water is the healthiest thing for their teeth.

What do you pack in your kids’ lunches?