Is Your Kid Frozen 2 Obsessed? Here are Some Unique Gift Ideas.


If your kids are anything like my girls, then they are Frozen 2 obsessed! I thought my years of hearing my girls sing “Let It Go” were long over, but with “Into the Unknown” my house is just as loud. From seeing the movie to acting it out at home, my daughters are living in Arendelle in their minds. And, honestly, there are A LOT worse things they could be into. Some kid’s television, movies, and music are rough on my ears, but I can handle the Frozen 2 soundtrack, and I appreciate the message of the story.

So, it did not surprise me at all when they visited Santa and requested tons of Frozen 2 merchandise. If you have been to ANY store in the past week, you know that Santa and his elves will not have any difficulty fulfilling this wish. Even so, you may be looking for something more unique for your Frozen princesses or prince this Christmas, and I have come up with some fantastic ideas.

A Karaoke Machine

Your kids are already singing the songs from the movie at full blast, so why not encourage this love of music by investing in a karaoke machine for the whole family. There is currently a Frozen 2 karaoke machine, but I say off for a regular machine, so you get use out of it even after the Frozen 2 fad ends.

A Frozen 2 Themed Lesson

How about getting your kids a Frozen 2-themed lesson? For example, sign your kids up for ice skating lessons or horseback riding lessons near New York City. These are gifts that will keep on giving and help them find themselves.

Tickets to the Broadway Show

Splurge on tickets to see Frozen on Broadway. This will be a magical experience for anyone who is a fan of the movie – but especially for kids who are fans of musicals. There is nothing that can compare to a live Broadway show.

A Frozen 2 Craft Box

If your kids are little artists and craft-makers, then put together a Frozen 2 craft box. You can purchase pre-made Frozen 2 craft kits at stores like Michael’s or use this list from Cool Mom Picks of DIY ideas.

A Bag of Insta-Snow

New York families get to experience snow each year, but it never seems to be at the right time. If this sounds relatable (or you live in a warmer climate), then purchase a bag of instant snow. Just add water to Insta-Snow and watch the magic happen.

Frozen Colour Pop Makeup

Instead of wasting money on the cheap Frozen makeup kits you will find everywhere, purchase one of the high-quality Frozen 2 ColourPop kits, which come in either the Elsa or Anna palette.

A Frozen 2 Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are all the rage right now – and for a good reason. Weighted blankets help little ones feel more secure and relaxed. So, the combination of the weight and their favorite characters is a solid win. They are selling different types of Frozen 2 weighted blankets at most department stores and online.

Frozen 2 Build a Bear

Why not purchase a gift certificate so your child can build their own Frozen 2 Character Plush at Build-A-Bear? This gift works as both a gift (the stuffed toy) and an experience (building the character plush). Your child can add tons of unique pieces to their stuffed toy, such as Frozen costumes and songs.

Don’t worry – if you have to wait until Christmas Eve, there are still bound to be tons of options on the toy aisles at your local Walmart or Target.