Treat Yourself This Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day takes place this Sunday. While I have had many wonderful Mother’s Days and enjoyed several homemade crafts, I have learned to lower my expectations.

My husband and my daughters try their best to make me feel special, but sometimes there are things I want that they just don’t know how to give me.

That’s why I always try to find at least one way to treat myself on Mother’s Day. Here are a few suggestions if you want to follow my lead.

Have Your Car Cleaned

Mom’s cars are notoriously messy. Why? Because kids! In addition to all the trash they leave behind, there are crushed bits of food on the floorboards and stains on the mats. So this Mother’s Day, consider getting your car cleaned and detailed.

Let Someone Else Clean Your House

If you can make it happen with your budget, use Mother’s Day as an excuse to pay someone to do a deep house cleaning. You’re busy working and taking care of kids – let someone else clean the baseboards!

*If you can’t afford it, ask your spouse or kids to clean for you as your Mother’s Day gift.

Enjoy a Spa Treatment

If you can swing it, treat yourself to a full spa day. Book a manicure or pedicure if you can’t spend four hours at the spa. And if you are really limited, treat yourself to an at-home spa day. Pull out your supplies and lock the bedroom door.

Sit in Silence

I love my girls, and I love being a mom. But sometimes I miss a quiet house (I know I will miss all the noise one day!). Sometimes the best way to treat myself is simply slipping outside and sitting in silence for a few minutes.

Don’t Cook

Use Mother’s Day to get out of cooking or cleaning the dishes. Instead, go to your favorite restaurant (don’t forget to make a reservation to avoid long Mother’s Day waits). Order your favorite food in. Or allow your family to cook for you.

Go to Your Favorite Store Alone

There are few things as relaxing to me as wandering the aisles of Target or T.J. Maxx alone. So, on Mother’s Day, may you find the time to wander your favorite store aimlessly, without children asking you to buy them everything or feeling rushed to get home.

Eat Something You Regularly Wouldn’t

Mom eating typically involves eating foods my girls will also eat. On Mother’s Day, I am going to eat what I want to eat. No kid-friendly menus for me! It is also a day when calories don’t count, so I will indulge in delicious treats and drinks.

Splurge on the Shoes and the Bag

It’s no secret that I love shoes and bags, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I think both make perfect Mother’s Day gifts. If I don’t unwrap one from my family, I may just treat myself.

Take a Nap

Moms are tired. No matter what stage you are in as far as parenting goes, you are tired. So take time today to get a nap. Ideally, after the delicious lunch someone else cooked for you.

Control the Remote

On Mother’s Day, you get to control the remote! No kids TV for you. Binge-watch your favorite shows or catch up on that series you’ve been dying to watch.

Sleep In

Start your Mother’s Day the right way by sleeping in. If the kids are old enough, let them take care of themselves in the morning. (Helpful tip – leave out the remote and a box of cereal on the counter). If they aren’t old enough, ask your partner to take care of them for you in the morning.

Let Go of Guilt

On Mother’s Day, try to let go of the guilt. All moms carry around some mom guilt. Sadly, most of this guilt isn’t even relevant. It’s baggage about stuff that doesn’t really matter in the long run (such as not making elaborate school lunches). On Mother’s Day, remind yourself why you are a good mom.

Happy Mother’s Day!