Tips for Avoiding Needing a Vacation After a Vacation

I love to travel, but I have had my fair share of times when I felt like I needed a vacation after a vacation.

It kind of takes all the wind out of your sails when you come home exhausted and stressed.

It’s taken me some time, but I have figured out some ways to ease the transition from vacation back to the real world.

Clean Before You Leave

I love coming home to a clean house.

But that means I have to do the work before I leave.

It is totally worth spending a little bit of time pre-trip to clean up the house.

That way, when we get back home, I can rest instead of feeling the urge to unpack and clean right away.

Be Healthy on Your Vacation

I have learned the hard way that if I treat a vacation like a vacation from eating healthy or exercising, I feel it when I return.

Now I make a point to continue using healthy habits while on vacation. I try to exercise and limit my alcohol intake.

With that being said, I still believe you should relax and indulge on vacation. I just don’t think you should stop exercising for an entire week.


I will never forget the time I was on vacation, and I kept receiving work emails and texts about some sort of work-related disaster.

Not only did this make me feel stressed on my vacation, but it also made me feel super anxious to return to work.

Now I make a point to unplug from work. And I tell my coworkers that I will be unavailable and set up a vacation email signature.

Schedule Downtime on Your Vacation

We’ve all had those vacations where it was go-go-go, and we didn’t stop until the evening when our heads hit the pillows.

We might have done it all and seen everything, but we were exhausted.

Now, I always schedule some downtime on vacation, like a relaxing pool day after a day visiting multiple historical sites.

Be Realistic About What You Can Do

There is no shame in admitting you have limits (or that your kids have limits).

Self-awareness is essential on vacations.

Before you book up a bunch of tours or excursions, be realistic.

Is this an activity your family will actually love? Will it fill you with joy, or will it leave you completely drained?

Will it be more of a fight with your kids, or will it be something they talk about forever?

Use On-Site Laundry Services

One of the reasons I always felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation is because of the laundry.

There was just so much laundry to do after vacation, and it just added to my to-do list when I got home.

That was until I discovered on-site laundry services!

Now I always budget for laundry services. My family goes home with luggage packed with clean, folded clothes.

Order Grocery Delivery

On the day we are heading back home, I have learned to order grocery delivery.

When we get home, we’re going to want to eat. And I am not going to want to go out grocery shopping.

It’s one of my favorite tips for post-vacation.

Give Yourself a Day of Rest After You Return

As convenient as it seems to get home on Sunday, it is wiser to give yourself a day of rest before the work week begins.

We use Sundays to rest up and readjust to home. I need it, and my kids need it.

Do you have any post-vacation tips to share?