Traveling This Thanksgiving? Here’s How to Stay Safe and Sane on the Road.


Is your family planning hitting the road this Thanksgiving to visit family and friends? You are not alone! According to AAA, “More than 55 million travelers are making plans to kick off the holiday season with a trip of 50 miles or more away from home this Thanksgiving.” That means there will be millions of other drivers on the roads alongside you. That’s why I am sharing my best tips to stay safe and sane on the busy traffic-roads this Thanksgiving.

Leave at the Right Time

If it is at all possible, avoid driving on Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) and Sunday (the one immediately following Thanksgiving). These are the worst days to be on the road with the most traffic. The best day to travel is actually Thanksgiving morning, so opt for a Thanksgiving dinner over lunch if you can.


Have an Abundance of Patience

When it comes to holidays, my motto is always “lower your expectations.” If your expectations are too high, you are bound to be disappointed. This goes with meals, gifts, and traffic. So, when you pile in the family vehicle this Thanksgiving, expect traffic and a longer than normal drive. Then, you’ll be surprised when the trip goes better than expected.

Pack Snacks

As always, pack snacks. You don’t want to be stuck in a car with whiny kids. And you don’t want to be hangry yourself. Snacks can solve a whole lot of problems.

Load Up the Devices Ahead of Time

The day before your trip take some time to download your kid’s favorite movies onto their devices. Bonus tip – download a new movie to watch just for this trip. Your kids will be thrilled, and it will give you at least two hours of peace and quiet on the ride.


Plan Stops on Your Route

Since traffic is guaranteed, make plans to stop along the route to break up the trip. It’ll be good for the whole family to get out of the car and stretch their legs. And, if you can make it a fun stop to a cool location, even better!

Use Apps for Alternate Routes

A major perk of using apps like Google Maps or Waze is because they offer up-to-date traffic information and route optimization. This means as you drive that the apps will alert you to traffic issues and reroute you whenever possible. Travel game changer.

Don’t Drink and Drive

I don’t want to even have to write this one, but facts are facts. People like to drink during the holidays (either to be festive or because sometimes it is a little too much family time. Unfortunately, drunk driving accidents spike around holidays, including Thanksgiving. So much so that “AAA is warning the public of the hazards of drunk driving during Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend.”


Put Down Your Phone

Finally, don’t be a distracted driver. Your most precious cargo is traveling with you, so don’t risk an accident for a text. Plus, many states have now banned cell phone use in vehicles, so you don’t want to risk getting a ticket either.