10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Digital Life

Spring cleaning is upon us. While I always strive to declutter and deep clean areas of my house, I realized another space in my life desperately needs a spring cleaning. I’m talking about my digital life.

Things pile up in our digital worlds just like they do in the real world, which is why I am going to focus on spring cleaning my digital life this year.

Here are the 10 ways I plan to spring clean my digital life.

Clean Out Your Inbox

Just like you declutter your junk drawer each spring, you need to declutter your inbox. If promotional emails have piled up, delete them. If you still have emails in your inbox from last year’s teacher, delete them. If you still have emails with previous vacation itineraries, delete them.

Hit Unsubscribe

After you do a big inbox purge, it’s time to think about how you can cut down on the number of emails you receive regularly. I’m a big fan of hitting unsubscribe at the bottom of emails as I receive them. However, I know of several people who really like unroll.me, which is an online program that unsubscribes you from an email list you don’t want to be on.

Delete Photos

If you’re like me, you take approximately 10 photos of your kids to get one good one. But, I tend to allow the other 9 photos to take up storage space on my devices or my cloud service. I plan to sit down one evening with a glass of wine, a good mindless TV show, and delete, delete, delete.

Curate Your Social Media Feed

Make sure you spring clean your social media. If you follow people that make you feel bad about yourself, unfollow them. Who you follow should bring you joy. Also, if you have people following you that you wish wouldn’t, remove them.

Say Goodbye to Contacts

I recently discovered that my Amazon Alexa connects to all my phone’s contacts – email and phone contacts. Since I have random contacts from years ago, it means my kids could accidentally call one of these strangers. Yikes! It made me realize that I really need to delete contacts of people I have no intention of ever speaking to again.

Cancel Spam Callers

Tired of getting spam calls or spam texts? Take just a few minutes to register with the National Do Not Call Registry.

Remove Unused Apps

It only takes a few minutes to remove the unused apps on your phone if your phone doesn’t do it automatically. But, I also think now is an excellent time to review the apps on your phone and see if they are time wasters. For example, this may be the time you decide to delete social media apps from your device and only check those sites from your computer.

Set Digital Reminders

Have you ever questioned when you need to go to an annual doctor’s appointment? If you don’t stay on top of it, these things slip through the cracks. This year, I set reminders for the month I need to see each of my doctors to call and schedule my annual appointments.

Use a Password Manager

Instead of forgetting passwords and having to reset them constantly, I am going to invest in a password manager this year. Password managers keep all your passwords and monitor them to make sure they are keeping your accounts safe and protected. Check out PC Mag’s The Best Password Managers for 2022.

What tips do you have for spring cleaning your digital life?