Toys and Books to Celebrate Women's History Month

As a mom of two little women, I am being intentional about celebrating Women's History Month this March.

My girls are growing up in a time when women are celebrated more than ever before – because of the many generations of women before them.

It's hard for them to imagine not being allowed to vote, work, or have their own credit card because of their gender.

Regine Muradian, Psy.D., a California-based clinical psychologist explains for Parents, "You can tell your children, 'We celebrate things so we don't forget them […] We celebrate so we honor how hard women fought to get to where they are today.'”

I want my girls to recognize and understand the importance of this history.

The following toys and books make it easy and fun for kids to celebrate Women’s History Month.

Little People, BIG DREAMS

We love the Little People, BIG DREAMS biography books! The series features many incredible women, from Amanda Gorman to Gloria Steinem and more. They all started as little people with big dreams and achieved incredible accomplishments!

This series includes many different types of changemakers, from artists to scientists and activists. These books are all told as a story, with facts and photo sections in the back, making them great resources for kids to read and learn.

The books are available in hardcover (ages 3-7) and board book formats (ages 0-3), and the website also has coloring sheets and fun activities that you can download for your kids.

American Girl Dolls

It’s no secret how much we love American Girl. It is one of our go-to toy brands. Not only are these dolls super high-quality and diverse, but they honor history.

The American Girl doll books are historical fiction that specifically tackles issues that girls in the past overcame, covering topics such as voting rights. However, even the more recent books feature young women overcoming challenges, such as earning a spot on the school sports team.

If your child has an American Girl doll, encourage her to read the related book or create a backstory that celebrates her value as a woman.


Another go-to toy brand, LEGO, has a special set that works well for Women’s History Month. This set is the LEGO Women of NASA Building Kit. It includes astronomer Nancy Grace Roman, computer scientist Margaret Hamilton, astronaut and physicist Sally Ride, and astronaut, physician and engineer Mae Jemison.

Inspiring Women Barbie Collection

We also love Barbie here in our home. And the Inspiring Women Series is one more reason why! This unique series features female heroes that made their mark on the world. Instead of a made-up backstory, these are beautiful doll representations of amazing women, such as Helen Keller, Ida B. Wells, and Rosa Parks.

Bold Made

We love card games like Old Maid. Bold Made is a re-imagining, positive spin on the classic card game. You play the game the same way (or like Go Fish), but the cards are designed with beautiful illustrations of brave, change-making women from history, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Malala Yousafzai.

Know of any other fun resources to celebrate Women’s History Month? Share them in the comments!