10 Tips for Finding Motivation to Exercise

Exercise is so important, but I’d be lying if I said it was always easy.

Some days I am tired. Some days I am lazy. Some days I don’t feel like I have time.

On these days, I need all the motivation to exercise I can get.

I’m betting I’m not the only one who has these days.

In a quest to find the motivation to exercise, I’ve discovered these tricks.

1. Do Something You Enjoy

It’s hard to be motivated to exercise if you hate what you’re doing.

Find the type of exercise you enjoy and stick with it!

Whether this is running outdoors, taking a Barre class with friends, or riding your Peloton inside, exercise in the way that brings you the most job.

2. Reward Yourself

Nothing motivates me to exercise as much as a reward at the end.

I like to feel like I have earned that glass of wine at the end of the night or that I can indulge in dessert with lunch.

3. Post Motivational Sayings

I love a good motivational saying. So much so that I tend to write them out and leave them in places I will see.

You can find these posted motivational reminders on my bathroom mirror, my car dashboard, and on my bike.

4. Make It Part of Your Routine

I have a skincare routine and I have an exercise routine.

Both of these routines are an important part of my self-care.

But a routine doesn’t happen without effort.

I had to make exercise a part of my daily routine, just like cleaning my face.

5. Exercise with a Friend

I am much more motivated to exercise if I am exercising with a friend.

First, it is a nice way to keep up with my girlfriends who are just as busy as I am.

Next, I would feel totally guilty bailing on a friend.

Last, friends encourage you and cheer you on.

6. Remember Your Why

On the days when I am struggling the most to exercise, I try to remember my why.

My whys are my health and my family.

I want to do all I can to ensure my daughters have a healthy mom for as long as possible.

Exercise is one of the best ways to make that happen.

7. Buy Cute Workout Gear

It may seem a little silly, but cute workout gear goes a long way towards motivating me.

If I have a cute outfit to wear, I’m more likely to wear it. And if I wear it, I’m more likely to exercise.

I have found this to be especially true with shoes.

8. Keep Track

Did you ever keep a chore chart with your kids? My girls got stickers for completing their chores.

This same trick is a great motivation for adults.

I like to add a checkmark or a star sticker to my calendar on the days when I exercise.

If you want to keep track digitally, there are tons of fitness apps that do so.

9. Pay for Classes

No one wants to waste money – especially with inflation.

If I pay for a class, I am much more likely to exercise simply because I don’t want to feel guilty for paying for something I am not using.

10. Listen to a Story Only When You Workout

My last trick is to find an audiobook or podcast that you can’t stop listening to.

However, the only time I allow myself to listen to it is when I am exercising.

What tricks do you have to help you find motivation to exercise?

Toys and Books to Celebrate Women's History Month

As a mom of two little women, I am being intentional about celebrating Women's History Month this March.

My girls are growing up in a time when women are celebrated more than ever before – because of the many generations of women before them.

It's hard for them to imagine not being allowed to vote, work, or have their own credit card because of their gender.

Regine Muradian, Psy.D., a California-based clinical psychologist explains for Parents, "You can tell your children, 'We celebrate things so we don't forget them […] We celebrate so we honor how hard women fought to get to where they are today.'”

I want my girls to recognize and understand the importance of this history.

The following toys and books make it easy and fun for kids to celebrate Women’s History Month.

Little People, BIG DREAMS

We love the Little People, BIG DREAMS biography books! The series features many incredible women, from Amanda Gorman to Gloria Steinem and more. They all started as little people with big dreams and achieved incredible accomplishments!

This series includes many different types of changemakers, from artists to scientists and activists. These books are all told as a story, with facts and photo sections in the back, making them great resources for kids to read and learn.

The books are available in hardcover (ages 3-7) and board book formats (ages 0-3), and the website also has coloring sheets and fun activities that you can download for your kids.

American Girl Dolls

It’s no secret how much we love American Girl. It is one of our go-to toy brands. Not only are these dolls super high-quality and diverse, but they honor history.

The American Girl doll books are historical fiction that specifically tackles issues that girls in the past overcame, covering topics such as voting rights. However, even the more recent books feature young women overcoming challenges, such as earning a spot on the school sports team.

If your child has an American Girl doll, encourage her to read the related book or create a backstory that celebrates her value as a woman.


Another go-to toy brand, LEGO, has a special set that works well for Women’s History Month. This set is the LEGO Women of NASA Building Kit. It includes astronomer Nancy Grace Roman, computer scientist Margaret Hamilton, astronaut and physicist Sally Ride, and astronaut, physician and engineer Mae Jemison.

Inspiring Women Barbie Collection

We also love Barbie here in our home. And the Inspiring Women Series is one more reason why! This unique series features female heroes that made their mark on the world. Instead of a made-up backstory, these are beautiful doll representations of amazing women, such as Helen Keller, Ida B. Wells, and Rosa Parks.

Bold Made

We love card games like Old Maid. Bold Made is a re-imagining, positive spin on the classic card game. You play the game the same way (or like Go Fish), but the cards are designed with beautiful illustrations of brave, change-making women from history, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Malala Yousafzai.

Know of any other fun resources to celebrate Women’s History Month? Share them in the comments!

How to Say No the Right Way

One of the biggest struggles for many women is saying no. I struggled with saying no, but I have gotten much better about it over time. However, I had to recognize that it was hard for me to say no first, then I had to be intentional about saying no. I know I’m not the only one.

According to The Swaddle, “Human relations and interactions are quite reliant on reciprocity, which makes us feel that not obliging socially, will threaten our bonds with people. […] Amid our struggles to fit in and be liked by our peers, we worry that saying ‘no’ might make those same peers reject us. The fear of saying no also stems from the urge to avoid conflicts, or confrontation. Another reason why people tend to worry about saying no is because they don’t want to disappoint others, or hurt their feelings.”

If you relate, use the following tips to learn how to master the art of saying no.

Know How To Identify A Clear No

First things first – you need to know when saying no is the correct answer. Here are two ideas I use to help me decide if my answer is a yes or a no.

  • If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. I’ve found this one is especially helpful for social activities. For example, “Hell yes, I want to go to brunch!” versus “Yeah sure, I’ll go to dinner on Friday after a super busy work week.”

  • Whenever you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else. Or vice versa. Saying no to staying later at work means yes to dinner at home with the kids. Saying yes to a relaxing day at the spa with my girlfriends means saying no to Saturday morning chores. What do you need more?

Remind Yourself It Is Okay to Say No

It is much easier to say no if you know and truly understand it is okay to do so. Ask any woman who has burned herself completely out from saying yes too many times. Remind yourself it is okay to say no and that if someone doesn’t accept your no, you don’t need that kind of toxic person in your life anyway.

Add a Compliment

People are more receptive to the word “no” if it is cushioned with a compliment.

For example, “You do such an amazing job with this charity event every year, but unfortunately, I am unable to participate this year.”

Be Gracious

Treat being asked as an honor instead of a burden.

For example, “Thank you so much for thinking of me! While I would love to support the school in this way, I don’t have the space in my calendar this spring.”

Provide a Reason

While I don’t think you owe it to anyone, providing a reason is a good way to ensure the person asking will drop it. With that being said, don’t give them the whole story if you don’t want (or need) to.

For example, “I have to say no. I am swamped with work, extracurriculars, and taking care of my aging parents.”

Get to the Point Without Being Rude

There are some moments when a short and sweet no is all that is required, such as when you are asked to do something by a stranger.

For example, “Sorry, but no” or “Sorry, but I can’t help with that.”

Consider the Future

If you genuinely would like to say yes but simply can’t for some reason, leave the door open for the future.

For example, “Sadly, I have to say no. My weekends are booked for March, but please ask me again in April.”

Say Yes With Boundaries

There may be times when you want to say yes, but you also know you can’t say yes to everything.

For example, “I can help, but I will need to leave no later than 11.”

Think On It

When you are put on the spot, don’t say yes or no. Instead, simply ask for more time.

“I’ll get back to you” or “I’ll let you know.”

The key here is to really think about it and not use it as a brush-off. Use the time to decide if it is a yes or no. Then, if the answer is no, figure out which strategy to use.

25 Reflection Questions To Wrap Up 2021

And just like that… another crazy year is coming to an end. We thought 2020 would be the weirdest year ever, but 2021 contained its fair share of weirdness.

Given how much has changed in the world around us in the last two years, I think it is more important than ever before to take some time to do some true personal reflection.

Why? Personal reflection is important for personal growth.

According to The Shine App, “Studies show that people who reflect actively strengthen their emotional intelligence, making it easier to cope with new challenges that may come their way.”

And, as Laurel Halloran, Ph.D., explains for The Shine App: “It is not an opportunity to get an exact ‘do-over,’ but by critically examining our experiences it gives us a chance to have a ‘do-better’ in the future.”

Even if 2021 hasn’t been your best year, I’m sure there were some positives. You might just need to dig deep to find them.

Take some time to reflect on the good and not-so-good parts of 2021.

Tips for Reflecting on the Year

As a mom, I get it. The idea of answering 25 questions about your year is daunting.

But, think of it as self-care.

Set aside time and space.

(Suggestion – aim for after Christmas when the kids are distracted and playing with their new toys.)

Get a notebook and jot down your answers.

Don’t overthink it.

Skip the ones you don’t have answers for immediately.

Come back to them later after you’ve had more time to ponder them.

Be honest and truthful.

Remember, these questions and their answers are just for you. You don’t have to perform.

25 Reflection Questions to Put a Pretty Little Bow on 2021

1.       What were the highlights of 2021 (big and small)?

2.       What goals did you accomplish?

3.       What did you do that worked?

4.       What did you try that didn’t work?

5.       What are you grateful for?

6.       What will you remember the most?

7.       What changes do you want to make in 2022?

8.       Where did you need more space?

9.       What valuable lessons did you learn?

10.   In what areas did you thrive?

11.   What were your challenges?

12.   What mistakes did you make?

13.   How are you different now than you were at the start of the year?

14.   What would you have done differently?

15.   What is something selfless and kind you did?

16.   What was the best compliment you received this year?

17.   What surprised you?

18.   What advice did you receive this year that proved helpful?

19.   How did you take care of your family this year?

20.   How did you take care of yourself this year?

21.   What can you let go of as you move into the new year?

22.   What brought you joy in 2021?

23.   How present were you in your relationships?

24.   What one word would you use to describe 2021?

25.   What are your intentions for 2022?

Do you have any other reflection questions you’d add to the list?

12 Tips to Help You Go to Sleep Faster


If you are like many moms, going to sleep isn’t always easy. As tired as we are, we lay in bed tossing and turning before we fall asleep. And we need all the sleep we can get! Sleep is important for our overall physical and mental health. So, if you struggle with falling asleep, implement these 12 tips to help you go to sleep faster.


1. Make Your Bedroom Relaxing

Your bedroom should be designed to be a place of rest. You should feel soothed as soon as you enter it. Opt for soft colors and subtle patterns rather than anything bold or flashy. And, keep it clean. A cluttered and messy bedroom will only increase your anxiety, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

2. Wind Down

Every evening before you head to bed, do something relaxing. Take time to wind down. Whether you choose to take a nice bath, read a book, or listen to quiet music, do something that makes you feel a bit sleepier.

3. Disconnect and Say No to Blue Light

If you are anything like the rest of America, then the last thing you look at before you go to bed is your phone. This is the exact wrong thing to do if you want to go to sleep faster! Not only will the scrolling keep you alert, but our cell phones use blue light which messes with our body’s natural sleep rhythms.

My advice – Put your phone in a different room out of reach, such as your master bathroom. Not only will this prevent you from looking at it before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up, but it will also force you to get up to turn off your phone alarm in the morning.

4. Invest in Quality Bedding

Yes, those high thread count sheets are worth it. So is the fancy mattress topper and the expensive pillow.

5. Follow a Sleep Schedule

Teach yourself to fall asleep faster by going to bed around the same time every night and waking up around the same time.

6. Avoid Caffeine in the Afternoon

Most of us need a morning jolt of caffeine, but if we drink it throughout the day (such as stopping at Target for a mid-day latte), we will feel it when we try to go to bed. Experts recommend avoiding caffeine after lunch.

7. Dim the Lights

A little before your regular bedtime start to dim the lights. For example, close the curtains and switch from full lights to dimmer lamps.

8. Block Out the Noise

If you are not already using a white noise app or machine, now is the time to start. These things are amazing with blocking out noise so you can sleep soundly.

9. Keep a Notepad on the Nightstand

One reason many moms have trouble going to sleep is that we have so much on our minds. Our brains are so full of stuff all the time! A fix for this issue is to keep a notepad on your nightstand where you can jot down your thoughts before you go to bed (such as tomorrow’s to-do list).

10. Lower the Temperature

According to Healthline, “If your room is too warm, you might have a hard time falling asleep. Setting your thermostat to a cool temperature between 60–67°F (15.6–19.4°C) could help.”

11. Take Melatonin

The supplement melatonin can help regulate your sleep. Healthline explains, “Doses of 0.5–5 mg taken 2 hours before your desired bedtime, which is usually around 8 to 9 p.m. for most individuals, might improve sleep quality.”

12. Watch What You Eat and Drink

Be careful about what you eat and drink before bed. For example, if you eat something heavy before trying to go to sleep, you’ll struggle. Likewise, if you eat something like chocolate, which has caffeine, you’ll struggle. Also, some people think drinking alcohol will help them sleep. This is false. It may make them fall asleep faster, but they will wake up throughout the night.

Are You Wearing the Right Size Bra?


After months are not wearing a bra, women across America are begrudgingly putting a bra back on as they head back to work. And many are surprised by how uncomfortable their bras fit. But, what if the problem isn’t the bras but rather that women are wearing the wrong size bras? Statistics suggest that 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. No wonder they are so uncomfortable!


Your True Bra Size May Shock You

The truth is many women have an idea about bra sizes, but they are often wrong. For example, many women assume a C cup is big and an A cup is small. As Wirecutter explains, “When trying on sports bras, one of our testers was surprised to find that a 34JJ bra fit much better than the 40H they thought would fit—that’s a difference of two band and cup sizes.”

Moreover, women tend to get one bra size stuck in their heads and that is what they always wear, but just like clothes sizing, it varies from brand to brand. Women should pick the bra by how it fits rather than the size.


How to Tell If Your Bra Fits Correctly

Sometimes women get stuck wearing their same everyday bra until it falls apart. Imagine how awful that would be if that every day didn’t even fit correctly? Instead, you want to make sure your go-to bra fits you correctly and comfortably. Use these bra fitting tips as a guide:

  • Your bra band should fit snuggly but comfortably on the loosest setting. As the bra stretches over time, you need to be able to tighten it. If you can stretch the band far from your back, you need to go down a band size.

  • The band should not ride up. It should stay in place even when you lift your arms.

  • The straps should not dig in or fall off your shoulders.

  • Wirecutter says, “For underwire bras, the gore (the center piece joining the two cups) should lie flat on the center of your chest. If it’s floating off your body, your bra may be either too big or too small (you can look for other fit signs to determine whether to size up or down), or you may just need to try a different style or brand.”

  • As far as the cups, you shouldn’t be spilling out. That means the cup size is too small. In contrast, gaping or wrinkling is a sign the cup size is too big.

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For the Best Fit, Get a Professional Fitting

So, let’s say you haven’t had a bra fitting in more than a decade or since before you had kids. It’s time. As breastfeeding mothers are well aware, your boobs do change. That means your bra size changes, too. This means you need to get a professional bra fitting done. I know many women think this is a form of torture, but bra fittings have evolved from the days when a Victoria’s Secret fitter would measure you with measuring tape.

Recently, I had a professional fitting at Soma. And my mind was blown. Soma uses a smart bra to accurately find your bra size. Real Simple explains, “[The] new SOMAINNOFIT new smart bra uses copper fibers that connect to Bluetooth technology that then sync to a smartphone app, giving you specific measurements all while you’re wearing the bra.” Upon entering the fitting room, I was given a SOMAINNOFIT bra. Once I had the bra on, the bra fitter scanned the tag at the back with her mobile device to find my perfect size.

If you don’t have a Soma store near you, you can order a bra and measure yourself at home. Additionally, online stores such as Third Love, offer online tools like a Fit Finder to help you find the right bra for the size and shape of your breasts.

I’m a Working Mom, and I Love It – No Apologies


Let’s just get this out of the way – ALL moms are working moms. Whether you go to work, work at home, or are a stay-at-home mom, you are a WORKING MOM. Being a mom is a hard job. If we were paid just for our motherhood duties, we would earn a six-figure salary!

Salary.com “estimated the value of a mother's work by tracking real-time market prices of all the jobs that moms perform. The result? The median annual salary for stay-at-home moms in 2019 is $178,201!”

Now that we’ve acknowledged that being a mom is a job that deserves a lot of money, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. As much as I love my girls, I’m so glad I have a 9-5 job to go to on Mondays. Here are a few reasons why.


I’m Good at My Job

In addition to being a lifestyle blogger, I have a 9-5 job as a personal shopper for Neiman Marcus. Not only do I love my job, but I am good at it! As you all know, I am a fashionista, and it brings me great joy to spend my days sharing my love of fashion with others.


Having a Double Income Household Means We Get to Do More

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in families with children, “63.0 percent had both parents employed.” That means the majority of American families have dual incomes. For some families, this is necessary to make ends meet. Fortunately, in our family, this gives us the ability to have more fun and go on more adventures.


It Reminds Me Who I Am Other Than Mommy

Going to work every day reminds me of the woman I was before having children. While I am no longer than woman, there is still a part of me that comes alive in a way that doesn’t when I am just mom. I like having the chance to embrace those parts of myself.


I Like Having Adult Conversations

My girls are precious, and I love hearing about their days. But I also like to have some adult conversations. And I especially like having adult conversations that go beyond discussing potty training or PTA issues. At my job, I get to have grown-up conversations with interesting people every day.


Sometimes It Feels Like a Break

This one is hard to admit, but sometimes work feels like a break. While it is wonderful, being a mom is exhausting. Kids seem to have endless energy, and it takes a lot to keep up with them all day long. They are also noisy and messy. It’s nice to head into work where it is clean and quiet and where I don’t have to run around like a madwoman all day.


Most Important, I am a Role Model for My Girls

I am a role model for my girls. By going to work each day and taking care of them, I am showing them that it is possible to do both and do both well. By working at a job I love, I am encouraging my daughters to dream big and find careers they truly love.

Are you a working mom? Why do you love it or hate it?

No More Feeling Guilty for No Reason


Have you ever lost sleep because of something seemingly small that you did or did not do? Every woman I know has second-guessed herself at some time because she is afraid she has hurt someone’s feelings or let someone down. When you are a working mom, you feel guilty for not doing enough with your kids at home. When you are a stay at home mom, you feel guilty for not doing enough to provide financially.

If you feel guilty more often than you would like, you are not alone. 96% of women feel ashamed at least once a day. That’s crazy! It’s no wonder this generation of women feels stressed out all the time. We are carrying around tons of guilt baggage for things we shouldn’t even feel guilty about doing or saying.

Women, It’s Time to Trash the Guilt Once and For All


After seeing how guilt does nothing but inhibit me at home, in relationships and the workplace, I am done. I want to get rid of feeling guilty over things that I shouldn’t. I’m sick of saying “I’m sorry” all the time for things I don’t even actually need to apologize for.

I caught myself recently feeling guilty and apologizing to someone recently, and after gaining some perspective realized I had not done anything wrong. They should have been the ones apologizing to me! Why do we do that?

Now that I am more aware of my personal issue, I have done my homework so I can tackle it when it strikes at unnecessary moments.

Here is My No-Guilt Game Plan


Look for Reasons - First, I am going to look for the reasons. IS there any actual reason for me to feel guilty? If there is, then I need to do what needs to be done to make it right. If not, then I need to accept that this is not my burden.

Identify the Feelings Behind the Guilt – Next, I will question where the feelings of guilt are coming from. Often, we feel guilty because we are really feeling overwhelmed or angry. What are my true feelings about the situation?

Shake It Off – If it was not my fault or was just something minor, I will choose to SHAKE IT OFF. Carrying around guilt baggage will only make life harder. If you can quickly move on, you will be much better for it.

Be Clear with Your Expectations and Limits – Next, I plan to be upfront about my expectations and limitations. This way people cannot expect me to do more and I will not be made to feel guilty because I have been clear about what I can and cannot do.

Accept Imperfection – Finally, I will stop being so hard on myself. There is no perfect woman – myself included. Rather than placing unrealistic expectations on myself, I am going to strive to do the best I can each day and be proud of what I achieved in my 24 hours instead of focusing on what I didn’t do.

Who else is tired of feeling guilty all the time? What is your game plan for tackling guilt?