Are You Wearing the Right Size Bra?


After months are not wearing a bra, women across America are begrudgingly putting a bra back on as they head back to work. And many are surprised by how uncomfortable their bras fit. But, what if the problem isn’t the bras but rather that women are wearing the wrong size bras? Statistics suggest that 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. No wonder they are so uncomfortable!


Your True Bra Size May Shock You

The truth is many women have an idea about bra sizes, but they are often wrong. For example, many women assume a C cup is big and an A cup is small. As Wirecutter explains, “When trying on sports bras, one of our testers was surprised to find that a 34JJ bra fit much better than the 40H they thought would fit—that’s a difference of two band and cup sizes.”

Moreover, women tend to get one bra size stuck in their heads and that is what they always wear, but just like clothes sizing, it varies from brand to brand. Women should pick the bra by how it fits rather than the size.


How to Tell If Your Bra Fits Correctly

Sometimes women get stuck wearing their same everyday bra until it falls apart. Imagine how awful that would be if that every day didn’t even fit correctly? Instead, you want to make sure your go-to bra fits you correctly and comfortably. Use these bra fitting tips as a guide:

  • Your bra band should fit snuggly but comfortably on the loosest setting. As the bra stretches over time, you need to be able to tighten it. If you can stretch the band far from your back, you need to go down a band size.

  • The band should not ride up. It should stay in place even when you lift your arms.

  • The straps should not dig in or fall off your shoulders.

  • Wirecutter says, “For underwire bras, the gore (the center piece joining the two cups) should lie flat on the center of your chest. If it’s floating off your body, your bra may be either too big or too small (you can look for other fit signs to determine whether to size up or down), or you may just need to try a different style or brand.”

  • As far as the cups, you shouldn’t be spilling out. That means the cup size is too small. In contrast, gaping or wrinkling is a sign the cup size is too big.

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For the Best Fit, Get a Professional Fitting

So, let’s say you haven’t had a bra fitting in more than a decade or since before you had kids. It’s time. As breastfeeding mothers are well aware, your boobs do change. That means your bra size changes, too. This means you need to get a professional bra fitting done. I know many women think this is a form of torture, but bra fittings have evolved from the days when a Victoria’s Secret fitter would measure you with measuring tape.

Recently, I had a professional fitting at Soma. And my mind was blown. Soma uses a smart bra to accurately find your bra size. Real Simple explains, “[The] new SOMAINNOFIT new smart bra uses copper fibers that connect to Bluetooth technology that then sync to a smartphone app, giving you specific measurements all while you’re wearing the bra.” Upon entering the fitting room, I was given a SOMAINNOFIT bra. Once I had the bra on, the bra fitter scanned the tag at the back with her mobile device to find my perfect size.

If you don’t have a Soma store near you, you can order a bra and measure yourself at home. Additionally, online stores such as Third Love, offer online tools like a Fit Finder to help you find the right bra for the size and shape of your breasts.