12 Tips to Help You Go to Sleep Faster


If you are like many moms, going to sleep isn’t always easy. As tired as we are, we lay in bed tossing and turning before we fall asleep. And we need all the sleep we can get! Sleep is important for our overall physical and mental health. So, if you struggle with falling asleep, implement these 12 tips to help you go to sleep faster.


1. Make Your Bedroom Relaxing

Your bedroom should be designed to be a place of rest. You should feel soothed as soon as you enter it. Opt for soft colors and subtle patterns rather than anything bold or flashy. And, keep it clean. A cluttered and messy bedroom will only increase your anxiety, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

2. Wind Down

Every evening before you head to bed, do something relaxing. Take time to wind down. Whether you choose to take a nice bath, read a book, or listen to quiet music, do something that makes you feel a bit sleepier.

3. Disconnect and Say No to Blue Light

If you are anything like the rest of America, then the last thing you look at before you go to bed is your phone. This is the exact wrong thing to do if you want to go to sleep faster! Not only will the scrolling keep you alert, but our cell phones use blue light which messes with our body’s natural sleep rhythms.

My advice – Put your phone in a different room out of reach, such as your master bathroom. Not only will this prevent you from looking at it before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up, but it will also force you to get up to turn off your phone alarm in the morning.

4. Invest in Quality Bedding

Yes, those high thread count sheets are worth it. So is the fancy mattress topper and the expensive pillow.

5. Follow a Sleep Schedule

Teach yourself to fall asleep faster by going to bed around the same time every night and waking up around the same time.

6. Avoid Caffeine in the Afternoon

Most of us need a morning jolt of caffeine, but if we drink it throughout the day (such as stopping at Target for a mid-day latte), we will feel it when we try to go to bed. Experts recommend avoiding caffeine after lunch.

7. Dim the Lights

A little before your regular bedtime start to dim the lights. For example, close the curtains and switch from full lights to dimmer lamps.

8. Block Out the Noise

If you are not already using a white noise app or machine, now is the time to start. These things are amazing with blocking out noise so you can sleep soundly.

9. Keep a Notepad on the Nightstand

One reason many moms have trouble going to sleep is that we have so much on our minds. Our brains are so full of stuff all the time! A fix for this issue is to keep a notepad on your nightstand where you can jot down your thoughts before you go to bed (such as tomorrow’s to-do list).

10. Lower the Temperature

According to Healthline, “If your room is too warm, you might have a hard time falling asleep. Setting your thermostat to a cool temperature between 60–67°F (15.6–19.4°C) could help.”

11. Take Melatonin

The supplement melatonin can help regulate your sleep. Healthline explains, “Doses of 0.5–5 mg taken 2 hours before your desired bedtime, which is usually around 8 to 9 p.m. for most individuals, might improve sleep quality.”

12. Watch What You Eat and Drink

Be careful about what you eat and drink before bed. For example, if you eat something heavy before trying to go to sleep, you’ll struggle. Likewise, if you eat something like chocolate, which has caffeine, you’ll struggle. Also, some people think drinking alcohol will help them sleep. This is false. It may make them fall asleep faster, but they will wake up throughout the night.