How to Use Sunday to Get a Jump Start on the Week


Before Sunday Funday became a thing and everyone was brunching, Sundays were known as the day of rest. Unfortunately, in our busy society, we have a hard time slowing down and resting- even on Sunday. When you work five days a week, you try to cram as much as possible into your weekends. But, if you push yourself too much on the weekend, you are already starting the next week exhausted. Instead, use Sunday to get a jump start on the week.

Really Relax

As much as possible, try to make Sunday a day of rest. I understand that this isn’t always possible – especially for working moms. So, here’s what I do. I try to incorporate a little relaxation time in each Sunday. This may look like a nice, long bath or some time hiking outdoors. Do something that relaxes you, body and spirit.



Use Sunday to reconnect with the ones you love. Do something fun with your family or meet up with your girlfriends for brunch. If you can’t find to go and do, then set aside time to call a long-distance relative. By reconnecting on Sunday, we don’t have feelings of guilt for not spending enough time with others throughout the week.

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Review the Week Ahead

Spend time on Sunday reviewing your week ahead. Pull your calendar out and clearly mark all your important dates and appointments. When reviewing your calendar, think about how your schedule will be different this week and what things you need will need to do differently (such as dinner). Then, call a family meeting to discuss the week’s plan, such as who is responsible for which meal and school pickup. Divvy up tasks fairly.


Do Some Meal Prep

I know meal prep feels like such a chore to some people, but it is so worth it! If you do an hour of meal prep on Sunday, you will feel less stressed throughout the week. Plus, you will eat healthier! You won’t have to rush around to find something to cook or eat fast food. You’ll have ingredients ready to go.

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Tidy Up

I don’t think you should use your Sunday Funday to do any deep cleaning (unless you are the type of person who really enjoys cleaning). However, I do think it is wise to spend just a few minutes on Sunday to tidy up your focal points, such as clearing the counters or desk of clutter. There is something so nice about starting your week to a clean-looking house.

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Plan Out Your Outfits

Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg has a very limited wardrobe? He wears an identical grey shirt all the time because it saves him from having to choose clothes every day, which means he can be even more productive. Now, as a fashion lover, I am not about to tell you to do the same thing. Ha! However, I do see the wisdom in pre-selecting your clothing for the week. You can save so much time, stress, and brain space by having your clothes picked out ahead of time

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Go to Bed Early

Lastly, get your week off to a great start by going to bed on time on Sunday. This will help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go on Monday. If going to sleep is a struggle for you, try to prepare yourself for bed ahead of time. For example, dim the lights, put on cozy clothes, turn down the noise, and do something calming (such as reading).

What do your Sundays look like?