2020 Mid-Year Check-In


Here we are midway into 2020. It is crazy to think back in January we were making resolutions for the new year and being the best goal setters we could be…and then March rolled around. COVID-19 has made the first six months of 2020 feel like an eternity. And, sadly, it has demolished many of our goals for the year.

Instead of beating yourself up over all the things that haven’t gone your way this year because of the pandemic, give yourself some grace. Let’s take some time to reflect on the year so far and consider how we can make the second half of the year better than the first.  


How’s It Looking 6 Months into Your New Year Goals?

Let’s be honest. At the start of 2020, we made some big goals for ourselves. We were motivated and ready to be goal crushers. You might have even stayed on track until March. And, then the coronavirus happened.

Now, some of you took to the first few weeks of the quarantine, making new goals. You were at home, so you were going to work out or cook healthy meals more often. But, then quarantine got old and those goals didn’t seem so important either. Before you knew it, half the year was over.

It’s okay. Do not beat yourself up for not achieving your goals. 2020 is not a normal year. If there is any year you get a pass on goal crushing, it is 2020. With that being said, it is still wise to do a mid-year check-in.

  • What have you achieved? Think about what you did achieve pre-quarantine and pat yourself on the back. Consider what you have achieved since the world changed. You might not have achieved what you set out to at the start of 2020, but I’m betting you have done something to be proud of (such as overseeing your kids' virtual schooling while you work from home).

  • What challenges have you faced? Obviously, the coronavirus has been a huge challenge for everyone. What coronavirus-specific challenges did you face? For example, did you have a fitness goal that had to be revamped because your gym was closed?

  • What goals are now irrelevant? In some cases, the goals you made me now be irrelevant. Unfortunately, the pandemic has put many people in situations they never dreamed they’d be in, such as losing a job or getting a pay cut. Since you could never have predicted this would happen, you might have set goals related to your job that are no longer relevant. If this is the case, let the goals go and don’t be too hard on yourself.


Goals to Prioritize to Finish 2020 Strong

While the year has been a rough one, it isn’t over yet. There is still plenty of time to achieve your goals (or make new ones). Given the circumstances, it is important to make goals that will improve your quality of life and your overall health and wellness. For example, try to think of one goal to make for each of the following: career, mental health, physical health, and family.

How are your goals looking mid-year? What are your plans for the rest of the year?