How to Avoid Distractions and Focus While Working from Home


The work from home struggle is real – especially for those of us who typically do not work this way. Since the coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of Americans to start working from home, we have been thrown into a new workplace full of distractions making it harder to focus. If you are finding it hard to focus while working from home, here are some things you can do to avoid distractions.

Turn Off the TV

Yes, it is super tempting to binge on Netflix while you are home and have full access to a TV without your boss knowing. But, it is super hard to stay focused on work with the TV on, so turn it off.

Avoid Chores During the Workday

While at home, you can distract yourself from work by focusing on all the “work” you need to do around home. If you spend the day doing chores, you won’t be able to focus. Instead, make it a rule to only do things around the house after your workday is done.

Set Aside Time for Emails

If you get bombarded with emails that keep you from staying on task, set aside time to check emails rather than checking each time you receive a new email. For example, opt to check emails from 8 – 9 am and then from 3 – 4 pm, and be sure to let your coworkers know your email hours.

Start Each Day with a To-Do List

Before you begin working each day, make a to-list. Write down your goals for the day, as well as identify the items on your to-do list that are “must-do’s” versus “may-do’s.”

Have a Dedicated “Office”

With mobile devices and Wi-Fi, it makes it possible to work anywhere in your home. The problem is that you can choose a different place each day and you don’t typically do this at work. Instead, you should have a dedicated workspace. No matter if it is your kitchen counter or a desk in your living room, make a point to work in the same space each day.

Create a Family Code of Conduct

If you have kids, then they will likely be your biggest distraction. Since you and your kids are working from home, create a family code of conduct. Some ideas: 1.) No TV during the day. 2.) If mom is on the phone and a kid needs something, kids should either wait or silently put their hand on mom’s arm (rather than yelling for her).

Turn Off Notifications

If you get all sorts of notifications on your phone from social media or news sources, you absolutely need to turn these notifications off. You can check your notifications when work is done – they aren’t going anywhere.

Take Breaks

Sitting and staring at your screen all day isn’t healthy either, so be sure to take breaks throughout the day. If this is a struggle for you, set alarms to go off after chunks of time to remind you to get up and move.

Use Tools to Block Distractions

Some websites and apps are just too tempting, and we need help to avoid them. If this sounds familiar, then utilize tools like Freedom to block tempting websites and apps like Offtime to block distractions on your mobile device.

Allow Yourself Time for Distractions You Need

Lastly, it is important to allow time for the distractions you need. You deserve a break to watch videos on YouTube or scroll through Instagram, so allow yourself to do so during set times, such as lunch.