How to Unfollow on Social Media the Right Way


These days it seems like the whole internet is a hot mess – and social media is a dumpster fire. Obviously, I love social media and engaging with different accounts. But, now and then, I need to do a little social media clean-up because it stops feeling fun. I find that I am following accounts that simply aren’t good for me to follow, and I always wind up feeling like a weight has lifted after I click “unfollow.” Social media becomes fun again.


How to Unfollow Without Them Knowing

One of the main reasons that women are stuck following accounts that make them upset is because they are worried the person will know they “unfollowed” them. Fortunately, it is super easy to unfollow someone on social media without them knowing. Unless you tell them, you will still show up in the friends or followers list, but you will not see their posts in your feed. It is amazing, and 100% worth it.

For Facebook, you simply need to click the three dots icon on the top of the post. There are two helpful options. There is SNOOZE for thirty days, which allows you to hide the person’s posts for thirty days. This is perfect for accounts that you may just need a time out from. And, there is UNFOLLOW, which means you stop seeing posts from this person but still remain on their friends' list. This means you can still go to their page if you are curious and they still see you listed as a friend.

For Instagram, you can unfollow an account, but you will not appear on their followers' list. This means they will know you no longer follow them if they look at their list. However, Instagram has a MUTE option. Again, you hit the three dots icon and simply select “Mute.” Instagram also allows you to Mute stories by long-tapping on their story icon and selecting “Mute.”


5 Reasons Why You Need to Unfollow Someone

Now, some of you may think that I am just harsh. I don’t think you should go on an unfollow binge or anything like that. Instead, I think you should have clear reasons for unfollowing someone on social media. Here are five reasons I use:

1. All of their posts annoy you. I’m not talking about one post; I’m talking about repetitive behavior.

2. Their posts are hurtful or offensive.

3. Their posts turn you into the green-eyed monster.

4. Their posts make you feel less than your best (such as feeling like you aren’t doing enough, good enough, etc.).

5. Their posts tempt you to do things you shouldn’t do (such as breaking sobriety or buying more than you should).


The 3 Types of People You Should Follow

Pop Sugar says, “Unfollow anyone who can shift your mood in a negative direction, and instead, add people/accounts that inspire you or bring you joy. The result will be a detoxed feed limited to only those worthy of your time.”

In turn, your detoxed feed should be filled with the following three types of people.

1. People who bring you joy.

2. People who inspire you.

3. People who love you and you love in return.