Make Sure You Pack These 12 Commonly Forgotten Items for Vacation

Summer travel is in full swing, so I thought it was time to share some of my best travel tips.

After years of traveling, I have learned to pack less. I remember taking a trip where I packed a different pair of shoes for 12 days. I had to pay more for my luggage due to weight, and half of the shoes went unworn.

In addition to this lesson, I have learned that there are some commonly forgotten items. These are items that we simply forgot or don’t think we’ll need. But when the time comes, you’ll be super grateful you included them in your packing list.

Something for Rain

I love my weather app, but I’ve learned that it is always wise to pack something for rain, even if there isn’t any rain in the forecast. A small umbrella or compact rain jacket can make a huge difference.

A Light Jacket or Shawl for Cooler Temperatures

I tend to always be cold on planes. It doesn’t matter if we are traveling south to a tropical destination, I am going to be cold on the plane. I also tend to get chilly in hotel rooms. That’s why I always pack a shawl that I can wrap up in on the plane and in my room as needed. You may choose a light jacket or hoodie.

A Small Purse

I’m all about my purses, but I’ve learned I need to also have something small to hold my essentials when I travel. I like to put a small wristlet inside my bigger purse that can hold my phone, lip balm, and a small wallet. It’s much easier to navigate the beach resort (the pool, the beach, etc.) with a wristlet than it is an actual purse.

Sun Protection

I always travel with sun protection – even in winter.

Wet Wipes

In addition to hand sanitizer, I like to pack a package of Wet Wipes. I use these to wipe down everything from the plane tray to my girl’s dirty hands. They make it easy to do quick clean-ups.

First Aid Supplies

I learned the hard way to never travel without my first aid supplies, including medicine. I take a small first aid kit with band-aids and a small pill organizer with my prescriptions, pain relievers, and Imodium.


Chargers are one of the most commonly forgotten items for travel. I have found that in addition to my chargers, a power strip comes in handy. I have stayed in some places that don’t have enough outlets for charging all my family’s devices, and a power strip makes it possible. I also am a big fan of my electronic organizer for traveling.

An Extra Bag

I always come home with more than I took, so I have learned to pack a small extra bag in my suitcase for souvenirs.

A Water Bottle

I have always regretted not having my water bottle with me when I forget to pack it. Having a personal water bottle makes it so much easier to have access to water whenever you need it – and it is cheaper than buying disposable water bottles on your trip.

Lip Balm

Air travel always leaves my lips feeling dry, so I now make sure to always pack lip balm. It is also helpful in helping my lips adjust to different temperatures and environments.

A Nail Kit

I hate breaking a nail on vacation, but it happens. As long as I have a small nail kit, I can make my nails presentable and avoid accidentally scratching myself or someone else with my splintered nail.

A Laundry Bag

After many trips, I discovered the convenience of packing a separate laundry bag. Throughout the trip, dirty clothes get placed inside the laundry bag. At the end of the trip, I simply place the filled laundry bag in my suitcase. When I get home all my dirty clothes are in the laundry bag ready to be washed.

What items have helped make your travels easier?