Why Your Family Needs a Staycation


My followers know how much I love to travel. I mean, I LOVE TO TRAVEL. Traveling is an essential part of who I am. But, what may surprise you is that I also a good staycation. Just in case you don’t know – a staycation is a vacation spent where you live. Since my family is lucky enough to call NYC home, a staycation is super easy to pull off.

We had our own little staycation this past weekend and got to stay at the fabulous WestHouse Hotel in NYC. It was just what we needed after the busyness of the new year and before the start of actual vacation traveling. We feel relaxed and refreshed and ready to take on the weeks until Spring Break.

Today I’m sharing just some of the reasons why your family also needs a staycation.


Less Money

Let’s be honest. Traveling is expensive. Many families have to budget all year to go on one family vacation in the summer. Plus, if you are traveling to a destination you can’t get to by car, you have to pay for your hotel and flight tickets. With a staycation, you have the option to stay in your own home or splurge and stay in a hotel in your own city. You will save tons of money simply by not having to fly.


Less Stress

Family vacations typically require a ton of planning. And, even with all the best planning, traveling with kids is still stressful. When you choose a staycation, you will be much less stressed. You don’t have to worry about getting everyone from here to there or what will happen if one of the kids gets sick.


Less Packing

Another bonus of a staycation is that it involves much less packing. If you choose to stay at your own home, it means no packing at all! Hooray! If you do opt to stay at a local hotel or resort, then you still don’t have to pack as much as usual because you don’t have to worry about “forgetting something.” Even if you do forget something, you can go home to get it.


Less Busy

Possibly the biggest perk of a staycation is that it is much less busy. When my family travels, we want to do it all, which means we stay busy from morning to night. Our schedule is jam-packed. With a staycation, you can set a totally different pace. You can pick and choose just the things you want to do because there is no pressure to do it all. As a result, you will have a much more relaxed vacation.


Less New

And finally, there will be less “new” that you feel like you have to do. As I mentioned, when we travel, we want to make sure we try everything. But, there is something nice about taking time just to do the things you really love. For example, during a staycation, you can visit all your old favorites around town that you haven’t gotten to in a while.

When’s the last time you had a staycation? What did you do? Let me know in the comments!